You've heard it before and you'll hear it again (and again). Sleeping with makeup is a no-no! Most days, proper facial cleansing is easy for us, but every once in a while, it's tempting to go straight to bed without removing make up.

We get it - you just got home from a late night out and the last thing you want to do is take the extra minute to remove your mascara. That darn, stubborn, pitch-black, waterproof mascara.

Don’t worry, we have a simple hack to get you through and it’s called LUMINOUS Nutrient Rich Cleansing Balm. This is the lazy’s girl cleanser and the best part is that even mascara doesn’t stand a chance against it. This balm is meant to be applied to the face directly and massaged into the skin for a few seconds. The oil base helps to break down and loosen make up and oil, and delivers moisture at the same time. To remove, simply dampen a washcloth with warm water and gently wipe away. No splashing needed!

Your skin and your eyelashes will thank you. Even your pillowcase will be grateful.


SPF: It's never too late to start!

